Cost of software charged outside US borders

Helen Borrie helebor at
Fri Feb 22 15:24:48 PST 2013

At 09:23 a.m. 23/02/2013, Alan T Litchfield wrote:
>I have complained on this list before about price gouging by Adobe, but this article (albeit about music, refers to Adobe too) is interesting in that my concerns have been noted by others.

Actually, Shatanu Narayen gave a crazy press conference on the issue earlier in the week.  Look at for evidence that even Adobe's CEO (despite some mind-boggling verbal diarrhoea) doesn't actually have a clue why it costs us twice as much to buy his software than it costs his customers in other countries.  He seems to be saying we're lucky because of some sort of "marketing benefit" we get from being gouged.


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