Add to Books

Robert Lauriston robert at
Fri Jan 18 12:07:12 PST 2013

That seems like unnecessary extra work to me. You can get the same
results in FrameMaker:

1. open the book file
2. select the document after which you want the new documents to appear
3. select Add > Files
4. select the .fm files in reverse of the order in which you want them to appear
5. click Add

I don't believe the issue has anything to do with FrameMaker. The
Windows Open dialog box behaves that way in all applications that
support multiple file selections.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Oran Petersen <orandeep at> wrote:
> I teach book/composite functionality, use and operations on a regular basis. I show my students the "Add to Books" feature in the menu, and then tell them to forget it. The sort issue goes back to the beginning of books in FrameMaker in Windows.
> What I teach is:
> - Create the book, or open an existing book in which you wish to add files.
> - Navigate in WINDOWS to the folder that holds the files.
> - Sort the files in Windows in the sort order you wish in the book (as close as possible)
> - Select the files in the Windows folder, using the shift key for a contiguous selection and Ctrl-click for a non-contiguous selection as desired.
> - With your mouse cursor on the top file of the selection (important) drag-select the files to the desired position in the book and release.
> The files will add to the book at the chosen position in the same sort order as in the Windows folder. Fast, easy and works every time.

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