Custom Ruling in Multiple Table Headings using Read write rules.

Lisa Freeman Lfreeman at
Wed Jul 17 10:09:17 PDT 2013

I am using read write rules along with my EDD, etc. to convert XML to structured FrameMaker files. Is anyone familiar with using RW rules to control the row ruling within multiple heading rows? I am able to get the 2nd heading line in with a mix of xml tagging and my rules. What I'm having an issue with is that the first heading row has to have lines at the top and bottom, but the 2nd heading row has the line at the top but not at the bottom. I've looked in every Developer reference I can find and what I have in my rules should be working according to them. Below is a portion of my RW rules. Can anyone save my sanity?

 element "PartsTableHeadingRow"


is fm table row element;

fm property row ruling value is "1";


element "PartsTableHeadingRow2"


is fm table row element;

fm property row ruling value is "0";


For each cell in the first heading row I have:

element "THCELL1"


is fm table cell element "THCELL1";

fm property column number value is "1";

fm property row ruling value is "1";

fm property row type value is "PartsTableHeadRow";



For each cell in the second heading row I have:

element "THCELL21"


is fm table cell element "THCELL21";

fm property column number value is "1";

fm property row ruling value is "0";

fm property row type value is "PartsTableHeadRow2";


Thank you in advance for any assistance!


Lisa Freeman
Publication Support Analyst

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