Length of text flow names reduced

Klaus Daube frame at daube.ch
Tue Jun 4 04:08:06 PDT 2013

After check with FM-10 and FM-11 I have filed this as a bug:

- Create a text frame and give it a long label, for example "Warnung-vor-fallenden-Objekten"
- At the width of the entry field input is prohibited (error sound).
  The intended label can not be entered.
- There is no such restriction in FM-10 and before.

Long names of text frames / flows are used for text frames which are referenced by insert where a 
clear identification of their content is needed.

Klaus Daube
Docu + Design Daube; Schäracher 11; CH-8053 Zürich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E: ddd at daube.ch  W: www.daube.ch

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