OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription only

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Thu May 16 08:11:47 PDT 2013

How about you doing some reading and making a to-do list of the basic
features that FrameMaker users have been requesting for years?

An easy way to find out what many of those are is to look at the
plug-ins that people are willing to pay for. How are book-level
variables, real templates, and external stylesheets still not part of
the base product? Why, despite the extensive UI changes in FM9, do we
still have tiny fixed-sized list boxes from the 1980s?

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Maxwell Hoffmann <mhoffman at adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Your opinion is appreciated and noted. For anyone who would like a summary of what has changed in FrameMaker since 2002, you can download a PDF document which contains a matrix of which features were introduced in FM7.2, FM8, FM9 and FM11. Interesting reading.

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