OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Fri May 17 10:46:00 PDT 2013

What's different about markers or cross-references in FM11?

In FM10, the pods behave slightly differently than the ancient dialogs
as far as placing them on screen (e.g. they won't stay where I put
them), but functionally I think they're unchanged as far back as I've
been using FM and probably earlier. They still have tiny fixed-size
lists. Finding a target when there are lots of headings with a
particular tag is still a clumsy and time-consuming process.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Alexandra Duffy
<ADuffy at vectorworks.net> wrote:
> I (gasp!) really like FM11 (I use unstructured) ... The FM marker and cross-reference pods (or panels or whatever they're called), which are new-ish features, are great and work well....

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