Text Inset vs. Variable Question (Mike Wickham), (Fred Ridder), (Helen Borrie) (UNCLASSIFIED)

Zacchetti, Maeli E CIV USARMY ECBC (US) maeli.e.zacchetti.civ at mail.mil
Mon Dec 15 10:06:50 PST 2014

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

(Three replies in one, thank you all for your responses!)

Even with a quick read-through, the BookVars plugin looks wonderful. It certainly couldn't hurt to send it to the IT department (since it has the 'try before you buy' option) for them to review. My command structure also responds well to "inexpensive"! :)

Thanks for suggesting it. If it doesn't work out IT-wise at least I'll know that there *was* a better way to get Unstructured FM to work how I wanted it to!

I'll take a look at how I've used text insets in the past to see if I could try using a series of named flows. (I use insets for warnings and cautions, and it would certainly help to cut down on the number of files I have to use for that purpose.) In the part of the manual where I need to use a list of parts the text flow sounds like it would work wonderfully.  Elsewhere I need to be able to say things like:  "Using <name1> disconnect <name2> from <name3>. Retain <name3> for installation of replacement <name2>."

Thanks! I figured that if I'm asking for advice from a group of folks who are professional communicators with words I should put a bit of time into making my question as clear as possible. :)

Maeli Zacchetti

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

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