How to create PDF without forced line-break

Carol J. Elkins celkins at
Fri Dec 26 11:02:37 PST 2014

I think it depends on how a text editor interprets ends of lines. 
When I copy the text from your Framemaker file into eCleaner or 
Notepad++, there are no unexpected line breaks. If I save your FM 
file as PDF and then copy/paste the text from the PDF into eCleaner 
or Notepad++, I see no unexpected line breaks.

Perhaps try a different text editor?


At 11:00 AM 12/26/2014, you wrote:

>Dear Carol, Thank you very much for your check.
>With my editor, I can see a line-break at each line end.
>Please refer to the attached capture (capture_sampletxt.PNG: the 
>white arrow stands for the line break character.)
>More clearly, If you shrink the window width of your text editor, 
>lines may be broken irregularly (just like the attached 
>Do you have any ideas to output an "accessible" PDF from FM?

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