Quoted speech

Theresa de Valence TdeV at bstw.com
Thu Jul 31 07:47:47 PDT 2014

On 7/30/2014 4:49 PM, Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at aeris.net) wrote:
> Side-bar curiosity question: why do you choose not to use the curved
> apostrophe's? I find those to be more consistent with the way I want
> my documents to look ... fwiw.

Actually, Z, I want to replace the curly apostrophes with straight 
apostrophes, and curly "smart" brackets with straight brackets, because 
I believe that these "magic" characters will blow up in epub, html, or 
web pages.

Are you suggesting that they won't? I'm new to producting epub but not 
web pages which don't seem to like accented characters.


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