Import by reference question: Word conversion to FM11

Carol J. Elkins celkins at
Thu Jun 5 11:53:44 PDT 2014

When I need to convert a Word book into Frame, the workflow I use is 
to print the Word book to PDF, open the PDF in Acrobat, and export 
all of the graphics as .eps files. Then I import those by reference 
into the FM book. (I rename them first to some meaningful filename.) 
However, sometimes for reasons I don't understand, the graphics 
exported out of the PDF are rendered in multiple horizontal strips 
and are not usable.

So my second workflow is to open the PDF page with the problem 
graphic on it in Illustrator, select the graphic, copy it to a blank 
file, and save it in Illustrator format. I import the Illustrator 
graphic by reference into Framemaker.

I'm using more and more Illustrator graphics as direct imports into 
my Framemaker documents. It saves time to not have to convert them to 
.eps or other graphic format. Plus, when I click them in Framemaker, 
they open directly in Illustrator for editing.


At 11:00 AM 6/5/2014, you wrote:
>FM, of course, converts the doc with all the Word graphics embedded. 
>I can get copies of all the graphics by doing a HTML save from Word 
>and then collecting all the .png and .jgp files that I need from 
>there. But what is the most efficient way (let's call it the modern 
>way) to get these into the FM document as imported graphics to 
>replace the embedded graphics. I've done the replace each one by 
>hand route in the past, but it "rawther bores me".

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