Conditional cells in a straddled table row

Samantha Nair samantha.nair at
Mon Jun 30 07:51:03 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I wonder if any of you could help me.

I have a table with 3 columns and 5 rows. Columns 1 and 2 have all 5 rows
straddled. Column 3 contains all 5 rows separately. The last entry in
column 3 contains conditional text:

           *| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3*
Row A | Cell 1A     | Cell 2A     |* Cell 3A*
Row B |                |                |* Cell 3B*
Row C |                |                |
* Cell 3C*
Row D | ​               |                |* Cell 3D*
Row E *|                |                | Cell 3E*​

​I am unable to make all of Row E conditional as I've straddled Cell 1A,
and Cell 2A over it respectively. This means when I hide my conditional
text, Cell 3E, my table is left with an blank row.

Is there a way of getting around this?? I experimented with having Row E
unstraddled but I was unable to change the borders for that row. I may have
been looking in the wrong places!

In reality, this is a large table and I have this scenario repeated at
various points, so I would like to avoid changing the layout where
possible, but am resigned to the fact that I may have to.

Any help you can give would be appreciated.

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