Creating Multiple TOCs in One Book

Alan Salo (Ariens Plant 1) asalo at
Mon Feb 23 11:24:45 PST 2015

Happy Monday!

What is the best way to set up multiple TOCs in the same book? I have a book containing 16 languages, with each language having its own TOC.  I need each of the 16 TOCs to display Heading 1s and Heading 2s in their own language only. I can generate multiple TOCs in my book, but my trouble is that each TOC shows me ALL the Heading 1s and Heading 2s in my book, so I get all 16 languages in each TOC. I can easily delete them from each of the 16 TOC files, but they come back every time I update the book.

The only thing I can think of doing is changing my Paragraph Tags in each language. So I'd have Heading 1_eng, Heading 1_fre, Heading 1_spa, etc. And then I'd have to apply those to every heading 1 and 2 in every one of my languages. That's a lot of work. There must be an easier way, right?


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