[Framers] nix the attachments let's put them in Tips and Tricks page

Carol J. Elkins celkins at awrittenword.com
Thu Aug 11 12:52:37 PDT 2016


Although I had not restricted attachments for this Framers list, I've 
decided to do so today. Attachments generally are not a good idea for 
lists this large. When someone attaches a file, all 1,134 list 
members receive it. Probably only one or two really wanted it. 
Attachments also harbor things that can harm your computer.

However, what I have decided to do is to add a page to the 
FrameUsers.com Web site to be called something like Tips and Tricks. 
You marvelous people can provide solutions to just about anything, 
but occasionally something comes along, like bleeding tabs, that 
deserves its own space for quick reference. For these gems, I think 
it would be helpful to provide a download link for users.

So Bodvar and Steve, if you could please email me your attachments 
off list, I'll build the new page and provide download links to them. 
If anyone else has little gems of information that they'd like to 
share on a Tips and Tricks page, send them along to me.

Carol Elkins
List Mom
celkins at awrittenword.com

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