[Framers] Paragraph numbering...

Bernard Aschwanden (Publishing Smarter) bernard at publishingsmarter.com
Thu Feb 4 07:55:10 PST 2016

One approach is to use the code


for the one paragraph in the one file. It's usually an override, and not the
"best" approach from a consistent style, but if it is done with specific
intent, and with an awareness of the impact, that should do the trick. Of
course, replace the 17 with the actual number you need to paragraph to begin


-----Original Message-----
From: Framers
[mailto:framers-bounces+bernard=publishingsmarter.com at lists.frameusers.com]
On Behalf Of Urszula Witherell
Sent: February 4, 2016 10:49 AM
To: Framers
Subject: [Framers] Paragraph numbering...

Hi Everyone,
In a number of documents I have to start a paragraph numbering in a document
with a very specific paragraph number. Is there a way to do that?
>From what I can see, FrameMaker only allows to specify volume, chapter,
section, sub-section and page numbering to begin at a specific number, but
not a paragraph... 
I will appreciate any help.
Urszula Witherell | JetSet Communications, Inc.
Certified Technical Trainer (CompTIA)
cell: 301.524.3165 www.jetsetcom.net | www.trainingonsite.com

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