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Fri Jan 29 07:40:47 PST 2016

Loring were very much revered and I learned that a secondhand copy of
'the complete reference' was exchanging hands for a high price on ebay.
So, thanks very much Steve Rickaby (and Bodvar) for helpfully guiding me
towards 'publishing fundamentals' an identical book at a fraction of the
cost of the 'complete' edition.  I ordered my copy from scriptorium this
afternoon along with a few other things - really I musty confess it's
like getting kitted out for school.

Thank you everyone again for your help and support, sorry if I haven't
thanked you directly, I will follow the list with great interest and
look forward to entering into personal corresponsdences in the future,



Mark Lawrence
First Read This
+44 01865 30 40 52

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