[Framers] ExtendScript for save as text, for Git usage ?

Monique Semp monique.semp at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 8 08:56:12 PDT 2016

Ok, ok—I'll abandon the idea of comparing MIFs. Clearly I didn't realize the 
complexity (or pointlessness) of the effort. My tiny bit of MIF knowledge, 
along with a bunch of unfounded assumptions, led me down the wrong path.

But I do like the idea of saving as TXT, which supports what I really want: 
the ability to see what I changed in the actual user instructions. All the 
formatting stuff isn't what I'd want out of a diff. If I've made a bunch of 
formatting changes, they'd be in the templates, and I'd have included a 
relevant comment in the Git commit. And the TXT files seem quite small, so 
not a space hog on the Git server.

So, my request now is whether anyone has an ExtendScript to automatically 
save files as TXT. I'm not sure if the best approach would be to auto-save a 
file as TXT anytime the file's saved as FM (whether explicitly by ctrl-S or 
because I've said Yes to saving when I close a file or a book), to auto-save 
all a book's files whenever I close the book (but sometimes I'd have just a 
file open, such as a Text Inset file), or what?

Thanks for the education,

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