[Framers] Autonumbering for a Fourth Level Paragraph

Carol J. Elkins celkins at awrittenword.com
Thu May 5 11:43:35 PDT 2016

I have always found it helpful to set up your autonumbering using a 
matrix such as the one on page 4 of the PDF that Robert provided a 
link for. Training yourself to use a single series identifier for all 
of the autonumbers in a book will pay off a zillion times down the 
road. I learned this technique from Brad Anderson at a 2003 
FrameUsers conference. Every time I design a new template, I create a 
matrix to help me code the numbering. I think this is a far more 
robust way to autonumber than using separate series labels for 
paragraphs or tables or figures.


At 12:29 PM 5/5/2016, Robert Lauriston wrote:
>I believe what you want is:
>heading 1 (chapter title): <$chapnum>< =0>< =0>< =0>
>heading 2: <$chapnum>.<n+>< =0>< =0>
>heading 3: <$chapnum>.<n>.<n+>< =0>
>heading 4: <$chapnum>.<n>.<n>.<n+>

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