[Framers] LTR in RTL issue...

Scott Prentice sp14 at leximation.com
Fri Sep 23 14:23:17 PDT 2016


In FM 2015 .. is there a "text range" property to change the text 
direction? I'm only seeing this in the paragraph properties, but not in 
character properties.

I know that it's supposed to "properly" flip English text, but it 
appears that there are cases where this doesn't work quite right. (I'm 
no expert on this formatting, so I can't really say what's "right", but 
it's apparently not what's wanted.)

For example, if you have an Arabic paragraph formatted as LTR, and in 
that paragraph you have some English words that terminate with a special 
character of some kind or even an inline image. In this case, the 
English words will properly flip to RTL, but the special character or 
image (at the end of the English words) will be on the left of those 
words, when you want it to be on the right. Adding more English words 
(or a character) "after" the image or special character will make it 
flip back to the right of the English words .. but if you want this 
character or image to be at the end (on the right) of the English 
phrase, you're out of luck it seems.

If there was a text range property that could be applied to the 
characters that you always want to be RTL in the middle of an LTR para, 
this would work just fine. (I think.)

Anyway .. I don't think that what I'm looking for exists in FM, but I'm 
asking on the off chance that it might.


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