[Framers] Machinations of .Portrait and .Landscape

Ant Davey ant at ant-davey.com
Fri Feb 17 05:41:22 PST 2017

   Hi All,

   Is there a way to make the .Portrait and .Landscape commands in the
   Reference pages work sensibly?

   What I want to achieve is to have the content immediately after a
   .Landscape paragraph appear on a Landscape oriented page.  I don't want
   the specific page on which I place the marker (and those thereafter
   until told otherwise) to be landscape.  Inevitably, there will be
   changes to an earlier part of a document, which will alter the page

   In the same vein, is there a way to retain overrides when Applying
   Master Pages?  For neatness, to avoid widows and orphans or fit an
   image with is descriptive text, I will sometimes lengthen the text
   frame on a page.  Applying Master Pages, to get the .Landscape and
   .Portrait commands to work will throw out all my little adjustments and
   make their time saving benefits almost redundant.

   If there are no workarounds for this, Adobe please consider these as
   feature requests.

   Many thanks,


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