[Framers] Search for text + tag?

Peter Gold peter at petergold.photography
Thu Jun 22 09:11:10 PDT 2017

This is one of those knotty complexities of language that have fascinated
technical writers since those early scribes who wrote "Lorem Ipsum."

I think she wants to keep the text unchanged, but does want to change the
paragraph format of some paragraphs in which the text can be found with
Edit > Find/Change.

It's not just this particular need that identifies a long-time shortcoming
of FM's Find/Change feature, namely that it can't refer to the clipboard
for more than one instruction. Probably, it was also designed in the era of
those ancient scribes.

While MS Word's Find/Change may be smarter than FM's, it's interesting to
note that Adobe already owns a powerful and versatile Find/Change feature
in InDesign.

Also, included with InDesign is a Find/Change by List script that increases
its power, through the use of repeated searches executed by one click. For
example, a user can create a list of target paragraph tags (AKA "formats"
in FM, "styles" in ID,) to find and change those in which the target text
resides. For lots of info on this ID script, search Google for "find change
by list" with and without quotes (some different results.)

Perhaps someone on this list would like to write up and submit a product
enhancement request for upgrading FM's Find/Change abilities to equal those
of InDesign here:

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Shmuel Wolfson <shmuelw1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> She does want to change the text string in a paragraph tagged *with a
> specific format*, without having to keep an eye on the lower-left corner
> of the status bar.
> This is an important feature in Word that is missing in FM.
> ----------
> On 22-Jun-17 1:18 AM, Peter Gold wrote:
> *"Now, if you only want to change only those instances of the text string in
> a paragraph that tagged with a specific format, not all instances of the
> text string in all paragraphs, then you'll need to keep your eye on the
> lower-left corner of the status bar, or the Paragraph Designer, to observe
> the name of the currently-selected paragraph format. Click Change by
> Pasting to apply the tag from the clipboard to the current paragraph, then
> Find Next."*

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