[Framers] Specifying the Default Font in Xrefs

Doug dbailey4117 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 11:11:54 PDT 2018

I have the following xref in my document:

<$paranum>, <Strong><$paratext>, on page <$pagenum>

I want to format it as follows, but it doesn't recognize the formatting so
it just puts the brackets and name of the format into the body of the
document when I insert it.

<$paranum>, <Strong><$paratext><Default Font>, on page <$pagenum>

How do I specify that I want to previous formatting to stop?  </Strong>
isn't recognized either.

I could make a new character format that sets everything to As Is, except
for the Weight value, but I don't want to make a new format just to
duplicate the Default Font functionality.



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