[Framers] Line spacing

Fred Ridder DocuDoc at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 21 10:25:33 PDT 2018

Three basic approaches:

  1.  Don't use superscripts or subscripts.
  2.  Increase the minimum line spacing (leading) for the paragraph style so that the raised/lowered characters have enough room.
  3.  Turn off automatic line spacing for the paragraph (or for its style) so that the spacing doesn't expand and learn to live with collisions between the raised/lowered characters and adjacent lines.

If you choose the third approach, you can also spend (or waste...) some time futzing with the size and/or position characteristics for subscript and superscript to minimize the collisions at the cost of making the super/subscripted characters harder to read.


From: Framers <framers-bounces+docudoc=hotmail.com at lists.frameusers.com> on behalf of Doug <dbailey4117 at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 12:57 PM
To: Framers
Subject: [Framers] Line spacing

Sometimes a paragraph's line spacing can be disrupted by superscript
or subscript characters, or descenders, or even by the bullets of a
bulleted list.

What's the best practice for fixing this?

It bugs me when the first two lines of a paragraph have more space
between them than do the subsequent lines.



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