[Framers] Hyphens when going from FM to Acrobat

David Artman david at davidartman.com
Mon Feb 26 12:42:05 PST 2018

   Any chance you are getting some kind of 'smart' replacement for typed
   text that uses a special character?

   Try copying the hyphen from the PDF and pasting it into the Search
   field at [1]unicode.org. I bet they are soft hyphens, which often are
   not renderable.

   Thing is, they are also tricky to type: Alt+[numpad]0173; like this: .
   See? No character, but there's actually *2* glyphs after the colon and
   before the period: a space and a soft hyphen typed with NumPad. Reply
   and arrow-key along the line and you should see a 'non-movement' of
   your cursor as it 'moves past' the soft hyphen.

   As for a fix, I'd look at settings or variable definitions (even
   keyboard driver settings!).

   Are you on a Mac? OSX might be 'helping'. :-/



   -------- Original Message --------
   From: Lynn Gold <[2]lgold at lenovo.com>
   Date: Fri, February 23, 2018 5:15 pm
   My company is using FrameMaker 10 and Acrobat Distiller Professional
   10.1.1613. When there are hyphens in a string, they appear in the
   generated text, but if you go to search on them or copy the hyphenated
   strings, the hyphens are not recognized as being there. For example, if
   I search for "rest-client" I get nothing, but the "rest-client" string
   shows up if I search for "restclient". Similarly, if I copy the phrase
   "rest-client" from the PDF and paste it into an editor, the output is


   1. http://unicode.org/
   2. mailto:lgold at lenovo.com

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