[Framers] FrameMaker 2017 and Visio Graphics

Fred Ridder docudoc at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 20 08:55:55 PDT 2018

Or provide you with a license for Visio. For your purposes, you'd only need Visio Standard (rather than Visio Professional, which adds data linking capabilities and collaborative features that you don't need), which has a list price of $250 for a perpetual license. I've seen Visio offered by third parties for less than $100.

I believe that unless you have Visio installed on your computer, you cannot insert Visio graphics as embedded (OLE) objects because the link inherent in OLE is between two applications -- the original app [Visio in this case] and the one that is reusing it [Frame in this case]. The OLE embedding allows you to edit the original graphic from within the FrameMaker UI by double-clicking on it.

Note that embedding is *not* the same thing as pasting a graphic into Frame. Nor is it the same as inserting a graphic by reference. They are three separate methods, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But if you wish to pursue your idea of having "the company" (presumably meaning your colleagues...) provide graphics in a FrameMaker-friendly format, my personal suggestion would be PDF, particularly if the graphics originated in a vector drawing application rather than being raster images (e.g., screen shots or photographic images)


From: Framers <framers-bounces+docudoc=hotmail.com at lists.frameusers.com> on behalf of Julie.Sigrist at airbornemx.com <Julie.Sigrist at airbornemx.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 9:35 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: [Framers] FrameMaker 2017 and Visio Graphics

Thank you for your replies.

This is my first time having to work with a graphic format I couldn't
reference or not having any control over the format. The book is over 3000
pages and at least 2000 of those pages are full page graphic images (all
Visio and I do not have the Visio software). If I try and embed by OLE
this many graphics, is my book going to be an unmanageable size?

Thinking I need to request the company provide me with graphics in a
FrameMaker friendly format.

Julie A. Sigrist
Quality Assurance
Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc.
145 Hunter Drive, Bldg. 1005-B
Wilmington, OH  45177
(800) 736-3973 x62482
(937) 366-2482 (Direct)


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