[Framers] Publishing Book as PDF from FM2019, but individual PDF files?

Harding, Dan dharding at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 5 11:48:12 PDT 2019

Good afternoon,

I'm having a brain cramp with respect to PDF generation in FM2019 vs. older versions. It used to be that if I wanted to "Save As" a book to PDF but with each file/chapter in the book being its own PDF that was simple enough to do. Under the new "Publish" model, for the life of me I cannot find any setting in the publish settings to enable or disable producing the book as a single PDF file or separate files.

"Save as PDF" no longer has any options dialogue and defaults to the entire book in a single PDF, so I assume it is just using whatever settings are included in Publish... which then begs the question why "Save as PDF" is even still there if everything routes through Publish anyway.

I can still get what I need if I "Print to Adobe PDF" as opposed to "Save as" or "Publish", but printing to PDF and saving as PDF haven't historically always produced the same results from Frame. Is that no longer the case? If I can rely on Print to PDF to consistently produce the same PDFs as Publish, then this whole point is moot and I'll just use Print to Adobe PDF rather than using Publish at all...

What am I missing?



P.S. I find the new publish interface to be a clumsy and counterintuitive way to produce PDFs from Frame. Me no likey.

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