[Framers] Smart Paste

Wim Hooghwinkel - idtp wim at idtp.eu
Mon Sep 9 14:03:17 PDT 2019

Hi Rick,

the smart paste is a XSL defined in your structured application (for example for DITA: $STRUCTDIR\xml\DITA_1.2\app\technicalContent\xslt\h2d.xsl)

So I guess you can modify that to your needs. As far as I understood, the original idea is that you copy something (from word) that is saved from the clipboard as HTML. Then this HTML is converted to (DITA) XML . So I’m not sure if that will work with copied XML.  

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
Wim Hooghwinkel

> Op 9 sep. 2019, om 22:02 heeft framers-request at lists.frameusers.com het volgende geschreven:
> Has anyone used the Smart Paste feature with their own style sheets? I am
> trying to figure out if I can copy xml to the clipboard and paste it into
> FrameMaker, transforming it using Smart Paste. I haven't had any success
> figuring out how it all works. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.

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