[Framers] OT: Amalgamation of Pubs and Marcom

cuc tu cuc2u at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 8 09:31:05 PST 2020

Hi All,

Looking for insight into this trend. In my company, Pubs has generally reported to Marketing, historically a Director. The years have dwindled the organization and Pubs now reports to Marketing Communications Manager, who reports to the Field Operations Director (manages product marketing, customer service, and business/sales development- not the field sales organization though). The Marcom Manager has resigned and I am being offered that position. That means a transition from pubs manager out of the department into the Macom group. I will retain responsibility for both groups and there is no plan to hire a new pubs manager.

I've looked on the web for what could be a more suitable title for a dual role, or how would an amalgamated group be identified? The company is locked into a formal employee/salary management system (radford) so options may be limited anyway. I'd sure not ask for director status as there are no other managers, but leaving the pubs group for a marcom title has me thinking... it also seems salary ranges slightly favor publications, but this is considered an advancement here and with more pay.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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