[Framers] Applying different paragraph tags to same element

Peter Gold peter at petergold.photography
Fri Mar 20 15:58:07 PDT 2020

I first saw this in Framebuilder training class, around 1994. It won me
over immediately. Pure AI. You train a machine to think the way you want it
to, after you walk away. Ronco for TWrs, "Just set it and forget it."

FWIW, InDesign's smart GREP styles offer a lot of similar AI-ish
formatting, without the rigor of learning DTD.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2020, 3:30 PM <ideaslists at ideastraining.com> wrote:

> Here are a couple of fairly simple examples of Level and Context.
> (Unfortunately, the indents were mess up when pasting into the email.)
> David Creamer
> IDEAS Training
> Element (Container): Head
> General rule: <TEXT>
> Text format rules
> 1. Count ancestors named: Section
> If level is: 1
> Use paragraph format: Heading1
> Else, if level is: 2
> Use paragraph format: Heading2
> Else, if level is: 3
> Use paragraph format: Heading3
> Else, if level is: 4
> Use paragraph format: Heading4
> Element (Container): Para
> General rule: <TEXT>, (xFootnote | xCrossRef | xIndexMarker | zProductName
> |
> <TEXT>)*
> Text format rules
> 1. If context is: Chapter
> Use paragraph format: Body_Intro
> Else, if context is: CallOut
> 1.1. If context is: CallOut[CallOutType="Note"]
> Use paragraph format: Body_Note
> Else, if context is: CallOut[CallOutType="Caution"]
> Use paragraph format: Body_Caution
> Else, if context is: CallOut[CallOutType="Warning"]
> Use paragraph format: Body_Warning
> Else, if context is: CallOut[CallOutType="Code"]
> Use paragraph format: Body_CommandLineCode
> Else, if context is: Caption
> Use paragraph format: Figure
> Else, if context is: TableCell < TableRow < TableHeading
> Use paragraph format: TableCellHeading
> Else, if context is: TableCell < TableRow < TableBody
> Use paragraph format: TableCellBody_L
> Else, if context is: TableCell < TableRow < TableFooting
> Use paragraph format: TableCellFooting
> Else, if context is: Item
> 1.2. If context is: Item < List[ListType="Bullet"]
> 1.2.1.Count ancestors named: List
> If level is: 1
> Use paragraph format: Body_BulletList1
> Else, if level is: 2
> Use paragraph format: Body_BulletList2
> Else, if level is: 3
> Use paragraph format: Body_BulletList3
> Else, if context is: Item < List[ListType="Numbered"]
> 1.2.2.Count ancestors named: List
> If level is: 1
> 1.2.3.If context is: Item{first} < List
> Use paragraph format: Body_NumberList_L1reset
> Else
> Use paragraph format: Body_NumberList_L1
> Else, if level is: 2
> Use paragraph format: Body_NumberList_L2
> Else, if level is: 3
> Use paragraph format: Body_NumberList_L3
> Else, if context is: Item < List[ListType="QandA"]
> 1.2.4.Count ancestors named: List
> If level is: 1
> Use paragraph format: Q_Question
> Else
> Use paragraph format: Q_Answers
> Else
> Use paragraph format: Body
> -----Original Message-----
> In my EDD, I have an element named 'mainhead' that I would like to apply
> different paragraph tags to depending on the context of the 'mainhead'
> element.
> What do I need to do in order to do this?
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