[Framers] Embedding a font in a PDF

tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com
Fri Mar 26 22:45:39 PST 2021

A client has a mandatory font, Roboto, that I must use to produce their
manual suite.  I have downloaded and installed these fonts in
C:\Windows\Fonts, and I have made sure to activate this font in my Adobe
Fonts account. (From the Adobe site: Roboto is available via an open source
license. You're free to use it with your Adobe Fonts account just as you
would any other font in the Adobe Fonts library.). I am using FM2019 to
produce the documents. 


As this is not a font that some users might have on their systems, I want to
embed the fonts in any PDF that I produce for this suite, but when I go to
set a job options file w/ these specific fonts embedded, the fonts are NOT
listed in the available fonts list. I cannot find anything about Roboto
having/not having the correct marks for being embedded, so for now, I have
resorted to Pre-Flighting the PDF after production: (If you have Adobe
Acrobat XI Professional (not Standard) you can embed fonts available on your
system using Preflight tool and Embed Fonts profile under PDF fixups.)


But this is one extra processing step that I really don't want to have to
remember. .. I would much prefer setting the embedding in a job options file
and bada bing, bada boom. . . one and done!


If anyone has any insight, can offer advice about how to get these fonts
embedded through job options vs. pre-flighting, I would be most
appreciative. I have googled Roboto and embedding until my fingers have
bled, but I am coming up with zilch.







Tammy Van Boening

Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com








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