[Framers] TOC issue

Reng Winfried w.reng at carecom-solutions.com
Mon Jan 10 07:49:24 PST 2022

Hi Tammy,

I just read your post about line breaks.

What you can do:
In the paragraph designer in the Advanced tab change the Minimum
and Maximum values of your TOC paragraphs:
Minimum 200 %
Maximum 125 %
This will create an automatic line break shortly before the right end of the lines.
I have this setting for many years now, and only very rarely do I have to add
a manual line break.
You can change the values to get the line break earlier or later.
Just experiment a little bit.

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Framers <framers-bounces+w.reng=carecom-solutions.com at lists.frameusers.com> On Behalf Of tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 9:26 PM
To: 'An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.' <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: Re: [Framers] TOC issue

Right now, when I have lines that don't wrap correctly in my TOC (based on the length of the text for a tag), I am going through and manually adding the needed breaks, but of course, this is tedious work and I loathe doing it every time I produce a final book because either I forget to do it or I miss a line or two.

Wasn't there a script "out there somewhere?" that magically did this for you? 

If anyone remembers this script and can point me in the right direction (other than off a cliff which is what I feel like doing right now), I would most appreciate it.



Tammy Van Boening
Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com www.spectrumwritingllc.com

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