Numbering question on short books that are single files

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Fri Dec 16 11:44:33 PST 2005

At 12:55 pm -0500 16/12/05, Robert Kern wrote:
>I have a very short book (about 180 pages) that is multiple chapters but is currently a single Frame file.  I'd like to keep it as a single file, but am uncertain how to apply chapter-like chapter/figure/table numbering and page numbering if things are in a single file.
>How would I go from roman to arabic numbering as I leave the from matter and enter the first chapter?
>How would I increment the chapnum value at the start of each chapter?
>Probably the only good answer is to break the book un into separate files, but hoping there might be a slick use of markers as an easy work around.

Robert - I think $chapnum is misleading you here. Afaik, this is only incremented at the book level. For single file, use the multiple field counter scheme that Roger Shuttleworth described for your 'chapters' and numbered paragraphs. Although it's more complex, there are few limits to what you can achieve with it. Just define the first counter field to be your 'chapter' number, and assign other counter fields as required for your other numbered objects.

Page numbering will just flow through your file. However, you will have force blank pages when a 'chapter' ends on a recto page. I can't think of a way of changing from Roman to Arabic page numbers within a single file though: others might be cleverer. Someone has probably been through this hoop before.

You are right, though: you'd make you life easier by unbundling the chapters into a book.

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