Synchronizing documents in a book

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Tue Nov 29 09:07:50 PST 2005

At 5:53 pm +0100 29/11/05, David ARNOULT - Marketing Operations wrote:

>I have a book with several documents in it: how can I say to the different documents that for instance one of my paragraph style has changed and make it synchronized in all the documents at once? Is master pages techniques involved with that issue?
>What I do is importing format in each document by hand from the document that contains the updated paragraphs...

That is the way you do it, except that it's quicker to do all chapters at a time by selecting them in the book window and importing from there. FrameMaker does not have the automatic template synchronization of, say, Interleaf/Quicksilver.

If you want to update *just one* paragraph format across a book, save a dummy copy of a chapter containing the new paragraph definition, delete all other paragraph definitions, then import (the sole) paragraph definition from the dummy copy across the book.

Silicon Prairie's Paragraph Tools plug-in adds commands that make paragraph tag management a lot more powerful: there's a matching Character Tools plug-in for character tags. <> (No commercial interest, just a satisfied customer.)

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