OT: RE: Graphics Tool functionality

Peter Gold peter at knowhowpro.com
Wed Nov 30 05:55:58 PST 2005

At 8:35 AM -0500 11/30/05, Rene S. wrote:
>Maybe I missed something with Irfanview. I found 
>a way to print a sheet of thumbnails (which 
>ACDSee also does), but I couldn't find a way to 
>just browse through all the images in a given 
>folder with a full-size or auto-fit display of 
>the graphic in a pane of Irfanview. ACDSee (at 
>least versions 5 and later) does this in a way 
>that allows you to have displayed in one pane 
>all the file properties for all the images in a 
>folder, and then as you select a file in that 
>list, it displays the graphic in a pane of the 
>same window. You aren't limited to 
>viewing/printing thumbnails. I've been looking 
>for any other program that has the browse 
>capabilities, but I haven't found one yet... 
>unless I'm missing something...?  Not trashing 
>Irfan, just trying to understand the features. 
>Please do enlighten me.
Hi, Rene:

Adobe Bridge, included free with any of the CS2 
products (Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, 
Photoshop) is a multi-featured multi-view tool. 
Depending on which CS2 products are installed, 
there are menu items that perform batch 
operations in those tools, such as a contact 
sheet in InDesign. It's strong on metadata 
operations, such as applying common metadata to 
batches of files, using a metadata template to 
apply to batches, and more. It also displays 
camera RAW files from most digital camera 


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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