Anchored frames position

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Fri Apr 7 16:57:26 PDT 2006

Gillian Flato wrote: 

> I have white space on the left side of book. When I import a 
> graphic, I want the anchored frame to be centered below the 
> line, but centered within the margins of the text, not to the 
> page size. 

Robert Stoker's plug-in may do it for you, but may I suggest a different
approach? Create a new pgf format called, for instance,
FrameAnchorCentered. Define as centered, make sure line spacing is NOT
fixed, and specify the space above and below to put the frame where you
want. Then put your anchored frames into FrameAnchorCentered pgfs using
the At Insertion Point setting (instead of Below Current Line). 

By putting each anchored frame into its own pgf, instead of anchoring in
the text pgf preceding it, you'll have much better control over spacing,
pagination, etc. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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