
Shlomo Perets shlomo2 at microtype.com
Tue Jan 3 22:40:14 PST 2006


You wrote:

>... When I re-imported the graphic on my First master page and placed it
>behind the text box, it now interferes with the text in the text frame
>on the body page.
>I am not sure if I am having a senior moment, but I think that the
>graphic should not interfere with the text since it is a background
>graphic not in an anchored frame. Is it time for me to toddle off to
>the old-folks home or is something else happening. This is the same
>graphic and is in .png format. ...

Text on body pages can run around a bitmap contour/box when the bitmap is 
placed directly on a master page.

To prevent this: go to the master page, select the bitmap, Graphics > 
Runaround Properties, and choose "Don't Run Around".

Shlomo Perets

MicroType, http://www.microtype.com * FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting
Template Design, Single Sourcing, FM-to-PDF & Technical Indexing seminars
ToolbarPlus Express for FrameMaker * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat 

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