Speeding up FM 7.2 Startup

Phil Heron Phil.Heron at CODA.com
Wed Jun 21 08:36:23 PDT 2006

I do use the Symbol font but it's the Microsoft TrueType one shipped
with Windows.

Consulting my archive, I see that Dov Isaacs sent a message to the list
on 25/10/04 stating:

"(3) Yes. Some peculiar interaction between the PostScript driver and
Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 requires that Symbol TrueType font and
it uses that font instead of the Type 1 font."

I also removed the AdobePiStd font because it has no characters in the
range available for use by FrameMaker.

Phil Heron

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Rickaby [mailto:srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk] 
Sent: 21 June 2006 16:25
To: framers at FrameUsers.com
Cc: Phil Heron
Subject: Re: Speeding up FM 7.2 Startup

At 15:20 +0100 21/6/06, Phil Heron wrote:

>For your information, I removed the following fonts:
>- Japanese (Heisei* and Koz*)
>- Chinese and Korean (AdobeMingStd, AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium and
>- Symbol (AdobePiStd and SymbolStd)

Phil - I seem to remember reading somewhere that FrameMaker malfunctions
without the Symbol font. That might no longer be true in 7.2, of course.

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