template mapping/perl scripting questions

Scott Prentice sp at leximation.com
Fri Mar 3 09:29:42 PST 2006

Hi Elisa...

I'd have to agree with Rick .. you should definitely check out his 
FrameScript for template and format mapping.

I do believe that TemplateMapper may be available under certain 
conditions. You can contact "Cudspan" through the "info" link in his 
TemplateMapper listing in our Tool Search database .. 

Perl will do the job, but you'll need to be fairly experienced with Perl 
if you plan to do much. Here are some Perl/MIF links ..


If you do end up trying the Perl approach, you might also want to try a 
plugin that we developed called FileTools 
(http://www.leximation.com/tools/info/filetools.php). This has a 
"Process Files" command that lets you export a file or a book of files 
to a selected format (MIF for example), process each file with an 
external script (like Perl), then import each file, overwriting the 
original file (you obviously want to have backups before trying this). 
The plugin has a 30-day trial, so you can make sure it does what you 
want before buying it .. or if you can get the job done in 30 days, 
there's no need to buy it!  :)

Good luck!


Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Elisa Sawyer wrote:

>Hi Framers!
>Who knows of tools for mapping Frame paragraph styles/templates? I
>found documentation about TemaplateMapper but it looks like it's no
>longer available. what about Silicon Prairie Software's Paragraph
>I'm also thinking about automating some other procedures that are
>necessary for a conversion project so I need some basic information
>about perl scripting--I'll need to convert hundreds of files to mif
>and work with them. What's a good resource for information on perl
>scripts, especially for working with mif files. I have found a few
>libraries that look like they will help but need to backpedal so I can
>set up the correct environment on a Linux machine.
>Elisa R. Sawyer
>Senior Technical Writer
>"All true things must change, and only that which changes remains
>true." -- Carl Jung

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