It's Here - the Brand New Adobe FrameMaker for Mac OS X Petition Web Site

Paul Findon pfindon at
Tue Mar 7 02:54:27 PST 2006

Dear Supporter,

Apple introduced its first Intel-based Macs in January and intends to 
transition the entire range from PowerPC to Intel by the end of the 
year. This is significant for Mac FrameMaker users because the new 
Intel Macs don't support the Classic environment and cannot run 
FrameMaker. To mark this critical phase in our campaign, I've set up a 
new domain for the FrameMaker for Mac OS X Web site (, 
totally redesigned the site, and added PDF form letters to make writing 
to Adobe and Apple really easy. Please take a look at the new site and 
write to Adobe and Apple today.


Apparently, after putting all of its efforts into Acrobat and Creative 
Suite for the last few years, Adobe has reevaluated its portfolio and 
is reinvesting in FrameMaker. The first evidence of this was the 
September release of FrameMaker 7.2 for Windows and Solaris. Adobe has 
also said that if the market for Mac FrameMaker changes and there's an 
opportunity, it will respond. In other words, if enough people let 
Adobe know that they want FrameMaker for Mac OS X, they'll make it.

If you haven't already written to Adobe, I urge you to do so now. Even 
if you have already written, please write again. The new PDF form 
letters on the Web site mean that it will only take a few minutes of 
your time. I've also provided address labels.

Apple is still using Classic (Mac OS 9) and FrameMaker 6.0 to produce 
its own user guides and I know that its technical writers want 
FrameMaker for Mac OS X just as much as we do. Even Adobe is still 
using it.

If you've not yet signed the petition, please do so now. If you've 
already signed, please don't sign again, as it diminishes the petition 
and I have to manually remove duplicates. I understand your 
frustration, but writing to Adobe would be more constructive.


If you're not already a member, please join the FrameMaker for Mac OS X 
mailing list to keep up to date with the campaign's progress and 
discuss Mac FrameMaker-related issues.


The current petition count is 3,245 signatures.

Please forward this message to all concerned.

Thank you for your support!

Paul Findon
FrameMaker for Mac OS X Petition Organizer

(Apologies if you receive this message more than once. If you no longer 
wish to receive mail about this issue, let me know and I'll remove your 

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