'Bold' not inserted in Character Formats

Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Fri May 26 15:20:23 PDT 2006

Martha J Davidson wrote: 
> At 04:57 AM 5/26/2006, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
> >I have a weird problem on my hands, and I probably have had it for a 
> >long time (years). I have a problem with setting some of my 
> Character 
> >Tags to bold. I am not sure whether it is isolated to the Helvetica 
> >font, but this is how it goes:
> I have seen this as well. In my current template, body tags 
> use AGaramond. I have a character tag set to As Is, and then Bold.
> When I apply this tag to body text, nothing happens. When I 
> make a tag that explicitly references AGaramond Bold, then I 
> get bold text, but not when I use a more generically defined tag.

I think in both cases, FM sees the boldface version as a separate font
instead of a weight variation. I'm surprised that it's happening with
plain vanilla Helvetica, although I recall it happening years ago with
the Helvetica Neue family -- each different weight appeared as a
separate font (Helvetica 45 and Helvetica 65 were two of them, IIRC). 

You may be able to solve this with the appropriate additions to the
[Fonts] section of maker.ini. We use Adobe's OpenType Futura, and had
the same problem. Adding the following lines to the
[WindowsToFrameFontAliases] section of maker.ini seemed to solve the

Futura Std Medium, Regular, Regular=FuturaStd-Medium, Regular, Regular,
Futura Std Medium, Italic, Regular=FuturaStd-Medium, Oblique, Regular, *
Futura Std Medium, Regular, Bold=FuturaStd-Heavy, Regular, Regular, *
Futura Std Medium, Italic, Bold=FuturaStd-Heavy, Oblique, Regular, * 

Of course, figuring out exactly what to add can be problematic. I recall
there was some trial and error, and ATM Deluxe was essential to figuring
out the "Frame font name" (the right side of the = sign). 

The [UnknownToKnownFontMap] section may be another area to explore. I
recall that we used to use it to map AvantGarde SemiBold to AvantGarde
DemiBold (or vice versa). 

Unfortunately, the arcane details of how the fonts entries in maker.ini
work don't seem to be documented anywhere (beyond the inadequate
comments in the file), so such vague hints are about all I can offer. 

If you're in luck, someone who's solved the same problem with the same
fonts will chime in with the exact fix. :-) (If not, and if you all
figure it out, be sure to post the solution for the benefit of the next

Good luck! 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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