
Martinek, Carla CMartinek at
Tue Nov 28 12:22:28 PST 2006

Here's a question:  can I change what text shows in the bookmarks when
the PDF generates?
In our programming code documentation, they want the code on the first
line, and the explanation/title on the second line. 

  Change Memory Letter Designation 


It's no problem in the TOC (we use a run-in heading to get the two on
the same line), but in the bookmarks on the PDF, we get this:
  Change Memory Letter Designation 
   Cache On 
   Change Tilde  

When what we WANT is this:
^CM Change Memory Letter Designation 
^CO Cache On 
^CT ~CT Change Tilde

We *could* merge the two headings into one and use a soft return at the
end of the first line, but that then requires searching and removing the
soft returns in the generated TOC when we're done. I'd rather do
something once now and not have to do a "fix" every time we generate the
book (which gets updated frequently).

Any suggestions?



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