"MIF"ed Newbie

Steve Cavanaugh scavanaugh at nat-seattle.com
Fri Oct 6 07:09:56 PDT 2006

Yes, I was thinking the error I made was a separate directory (if you're
under 40, those are called folders I guess...).  Thanks for the pointer!

Steve Cavanaugh
Sr. Technical Writer
NAT Seattle Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy H. Griffith [mailto:jeremy at omsys.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 7:52 PM
To: framers at frameusers.com
Cc: Steve Cavanaugh
Subject: Re: "MIF"ed Newbie 

On Thu, 5 Oct 2006 09:01:22 -0700, "Steve Cavanaugh" 
<scavanaugh at nat-seattle.com> wrote:

>is there a way to prevent Frame from changing the cross-references when

>saving as MIF and then re-saving as .fm?

Yes: save the .mif in the *same* dir as the .fm.
Otherwise, Frame "corrects" *every* external ref, for xrefs, hyperlinks,
graphics, and insets (at least).  If you want the .mif to be in a
different dir while you work on it, move it using Explorer
*after* Frame produces it.

That's what we do for the Mif2Go conversion to MIF, which works for
individual .fm files or full books, and which we created so that we
could put MIF files into CVS conveniently.  We don't do that any more,
but the MIF destination format choice lives on in Mif2Go, and works fine
in the free demo version (which isn't size or time limited):

Using that, you can specify any directory you want as the destination,
and the files will work correctly when you put them back into the
original directory.  (Of course, if you open them in Frame in the other
dir, they *won't* work. ;-)  We generally name the MIF files .fm, so
that references from the book file work; when Frame saves them next, it
saves them in the real .fm binary format.  Makes it easy.

Mif2Go also has a "Wash via MIF" command, which saves files (or books)
as MIF, then re-opens them and re-saves as .fm.  This trip through MIF
often cleans up oddities in the Frame files.
That works fine in the free demo version too.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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