Tables not accepting "Ruling" settings

Karyn Hunt Karyn.Hunt at
Thu Oct 12 18:17:19 PDT 2006

Hi All,

   I have a bunch of tables in an administrators guide and am trying to convert them all to one consistent style that uses a thin line to separate all columns and rows. 

   To achieve this look, I've used the Table Designer > Ruling tab and have set every single field to "thin". 

   On most tables in my book, the thin lines appear. But some stubbornly refuse to add the lines, even if I repeatedly import the template (which has thin lines defined in the ruling settings), or set them manually and repeatedly click "Apply" and "Update All". I've even selected to remove overrides, but still no luck. Why? And how can I fix this?

   This happens on some files (chapters) within my book, but not in others. And within a single file/chapter, it can happen on some tables, but not others.

   I'm on Windows XP with Frame 7.1. 


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