SOLVED: Two-column index

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Wed Sep 27 07:15:42 PDT 2006

At 16:03 +0200 27/9/06, Niels Fanøe wrote:

>Steve Rickaby's answer did it for me - his comment: "Text inserts do have paragraph tags..." made me go Duh! and add "GroupTitlesIX" to the reference page for IndexLeft, IndexRight master page application. Now it works fine - thanks Steve (and the rest of you)!

Great. I second the 'Ugh' on inserted indexes, though ;-)

In fact, this is an issue I've been wrestling with for months, sort of, except that in my case I'm trying to find a reliable and repeatable way of formatting multiple source code (ASCII) inserts in a structured document, while at the same time fixing the 'extraneous trailing para' text insert bug. Clearly, the EDD can control the formatting of the insert... you would think.

Not yet solved: I had a fix that I thought worked, but it's now broken for no good reason that I can see, and I've run out of time for template work and have to concentrate on getting the book ready for publication. There will be para tag format over-rides... :-(


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