Maddening problem with frame below

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Tue Apr 10 11:16:51 PDT 2007

At 11:50 -0500 10/4/07, Mike Wickham wrote:

>Grasping at straws, here, but I vaguely recall a problem I had with similar reference line. After testing it, I had decided that I wanted to move the line up closer to the text it followed. So I went to the reference page to tweak it. I can't absolutely recall the problem my tweaking caused-- except that the line was not falling where I expected-- but I do remember the fix. It turned out that, instead of selecting the line and moving it up closer to the top border of its reference frame, I had selected the reference frame and moved the top of it down closer to the line. Apparently, this didn't remove space between the line and the top of the reference frame, it only hid the extra space from my eye. FrameMaker still managed to find that space and display it on the body page.

Good idea, but no: this line is very carefully positioned, and under 1600% zoom it's well clear of the top of the reference frame, by about 0.4 mm.

At 11:52 -0500 10/4/07, Peter Gold wrote:
>Hi, Art:


>Is it possible that the character tag used in the bullet paragraph has a font-size attribute that varies sometimes, perhaps due to a rounding error? Similarly, have you looked at the line-space (leading) and font size of the paragraph format?

They are 11.5 point and 10.5 point Frutiger.

>Oh, and one more thing: in a narrow column, perhaps the width of the reference frame is bumping into the column and pseudo-wrapping to the lower position.

Reference frame is 1 mm shorter than table column width. Maybe I should make it a lot shorter.

>Have you tried using an anchored frame below, with a rule, instead of the reference frame, just to see if it's stable?

Nope. I guess I could try that, but I'm pretty much done working with these files now, and as the bug only manifests itself occasionally, so occasionally that I cannot put my finder on what triggers it, it might take me a while to even know if this was stable. As this under-rule is only used on a single para per document, there doesn't seem to be a lot of point in having it on the reference page anyway.

Thanks, everyone.


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