Introducing Technical Writing, Tools, and Process to Teams in the Company

Roopa Belur rbelur at
Wed Feb 14 22:02:06 PST 2007

Hello Framers,
  The Publications team in our company is planning on a company-wide spree to introduce (in some cases, re-introduce) ourselves, and briefly enlighten the key groups in our company on:

  - What is Publications
- Why we document
  - How we document 
  - Who is our audience
  As I am leading the effort for this promotion, I need your help in:
  - Have you all done anything similar
  - If yes, how often do you give presentations
  - What do you cover
  - What is the best way to introduce Tools/processes 
  I want to start the session with an interactive technical writing task, so people have context to the PPT presentation. What are some of the good exercises to target for a mixed audience of developers, Support, Operations, and product managers?
  Any ideas/suggestions/comments/websites will help. 
Roopa Belur


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Sir Winston Churchill


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