rant moan fm to word rant moan

Jeremy H. Griffith jeremy at omsys.com
Mon Feb 19 12:45:07 PST 2007

On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:32:02 -0000, "Gordon McLean" 
<Gordon.McLean at GrahamTechnology.com> wrote:

>I've been playing with the Mif2Go product this morning as I have a
>requirement to produce "editable" versions of part of the product docs set.
>Having laughed off FMs "Save As" feature (which generated a 51MB .RTF
>file!!), I've tried converting a PDF to Word, which places all the text
>within frames in the Word doc, and then recalled discussions here about

That's us.  ;-)

>It's far better than the other options but it's still not all that great,
>the bulk of the text is fine but any images which have callouts just get

They shouldn't.  You have two options, "fast" and "better".  For fast,
we export the whole frame contents, including callouts, using Frame's
own graphic export filters to WMF.  That generates an image at screen
resolution, which is fine for on-line use but not so good in print.

Or Mif2Go can process the Frame elements itself and make the WMF at
full original resolution.  However, it only knows BMP and WMF bitmaps,
so you need to provide such if the one used in Frame is any other
bitmap format, like TIFF or JPEG.  You do that by converting the
referenced image file and putting the new one in the same directory.
There are a couple of settings to enable this in mif2rtf.ini; see
the User's Guide, par. 5.16, "Converting graphics for print RTF".

>So, I guess I'm asking for any suggestions or tips in improving the Mif2Go
>output. I'm trawling through their help file at the moment but, as ever, I'm
>sure someone out there has some top tips?

All this is explained in the User's Guide, Chapter 26, "Working with 


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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