PDF to framemaker

Syed Zaeem Hosain Syed.Hosain at aeris.net
Fri Jan 12 02:02:00 PST 2007

Hi, Steve.

Steve Rickaby wrote:
> Same company does lots of other PDF->somethingelse converters, but sadly not for FrameMaker... unsurprisingly. However, you might be able to use one of their converters as a stepping stone, but I don't know whether it would give any advantage over a save to RTF from Acrobat.

One advantage ... some of the better ones (like the one I mentioned from
Nuance called PDF Convertor Pro) do a pretty decent job of converting and
recognizing tables and bulleted lists in the PDF and putting these directly
into the resulting Word document.

This makes the job a bit easier when reading the RTF output from Word (into
the final FrameMaker destination).

Not perfect, but workable.


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