PDF to framemaker

Diane Gaskill dgcaller at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 13 11:18:54 PST 2007

It always puzzles me how companies make decisions.  Adobe has included a
function within Acrobat to convert PDF to RTF, the file format of their
competitor, but not to FM which is one of their own file formats.  Perhaps
there is not enough demand for PDF->FM?



True... although Recosoft has recently released a product to convert PDF
into an editable *InDesign* document, so I guess they must have thought
there was a commercial need.


Same company does lots of other PDF->somethingelse converters, but sadly not
for FrameMaker... unsurprisingly. However, you might be able to use one of
their converters as a stepping stone, but I don't know whether it would give
any advantage over a save to RTF from Acrobat.


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