Can't Change Paragraph Tag

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Wed Jun 20 00:49:21 PDT 2007

At 10:44 -0400 19/6/07, Parcell, Michelle wrote:

>Hello, all. I'm having a problem removing or changing a paragraph tag. It's at the end of a chapter and is a Heading 1 tag, which means my TOC is picking it up as a blank H1 at the end of the chapter. Of course I can manually remove that line from the TOC, but we use AutoMap to generate our PDFs, which are then placed in a repository, so that's not the ideal way to handle this. We've tried removing it in the MIF version but that doesn't help either. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, and since I'm on digest and under deadline, I would also appreciate responses being sent to me directly at michelle_parcell at

Am I being obtuse here? You have an extraneous blank H1 at the end of a chapter that is messing with your TOC? Why not just remove the H1, or change it to another tag? In the document? [Can't see the need for MIF manipulation here.] Or does it keep coming back?

There must be more to this, but I'm only on my second strong coffee of the day...


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