How many FM users are there?

Chris Borokowski athloi at
Wed May 9 06:10:28 PDT 2007

My guess is that there are some exceptions to this.
People who routinely try out software are good at
reading online help and figuring out software even
more complex (gasp!) than FrameMaker. This is not an
endorsement of piracy, but were I Adobe, I might
encourage this behavior, because people who become
addicted to software, as soon as they're in a business
environment which will pay for it, speak up loudly and
clearly to request it. That is why Apple was so
successful giving computers away at low or no cost to
schools, and Microsoft was so successful with their
student copies of Microsoft Office (on the path to
world domination).

--- Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <bodvar at> wrote:

> I guess not many are using illegal copies of FM. FM
> is simply not a
> kind of software that you can use powerfully on your
> own without a lot
> of learning and support. Which makes it awkward, to
> say the least, to
> use an illegal copy.

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